Saturday, December 13, 2008

Some recent work

Even though I currently am not working, I am trying to stay busy. I have been shooting a bit. Below are some of what I have been working on lately. I even got the

On a elevated subway platform in Bronx, NY in November.

Yes I was in a very awkward position. I'm standing on the stair railing, holding on with one arm and holding the light with the other and taking the picture....I know I'm very

As if you couldn't tell, it's the moon. It was supposedly the closest and brightest the moon was for the entire year.

I was trying out the macro function on my G9. Not bad.

This was a job I did. Isn't she cut? I wish I was cut up like

Philece posing for me with this idea I had. I have good friends...or maybe she just likes to take pictures.

Megan posing for me doing the same idea as Philece. I was trying to see which one did the best, but I realized they just have different looks. I like them both equally.

Studio 72 Super Shoot

Studio 72 Super Shoot

Studio 72 Super Shoot

I didn't really like the  Super Shoot idea. I had to dump all my shots, unedited to the organizer's computer.  Then I find  out they give the images to the models with their watermarks all over the images, not mine. They even asked for our (the photographers) logos and didn't even use them. What is the point??  They are taking all the credit essentially. What do you think? See what the models get from the studio. Where is my credit. We didn't get paid, we should get credit at least. You can see that they put their logo on the image twice. What is the point of that? Our (the photographers) logos should get the 2nd spot, don't you think?